Book of Daze
Well here's your chance to get to know me a lil' better
Book of Daze II
The saga continues...
well here we go again...back to more and more homework. Today is all about physics. You know? youre right? "Say it" is a great song. well not much to say,but i went to Kamakura last night, it was really good. Oh that Message in a Bottle movie is awesome.. Major Major teear jerker.. *sigh* sad,sweet,and deep. go with someone you really care about..
SHEESH!! finally I'm done with all my exams. Now I just have to sit and wait til I get the results back. Well its been pretty hectic. and the other day i stupidly hurt my ankle... and i reiterate the word stupidly. Other than far as the social life's been a slow week. Mainly a stressful week. This weekend i want to get my sleep schedule back and get ahead in the books again. *sigh* the endless cycle.
Hmm...well i guess Happy 20th Birthday to me. Well as usual today was a busy day and i was pretty much engulfed into work and school. Almost to a point that i didn't have time to eat lunch. Luckily however... I did. Well I got a nice lil surprise. It was very sweet and it brightened my day...maybe even my week or year. Thanks for making my bday a special one. I see that the fog is slowly clearing and a vision of the gold seems to be appearing. OH and another thing..Saturday was a great night. thanks Will, for coming and i hope you had a good time. Cuz i sure did. That night i felt like Cinderella and I had my Prince Charming.
*sigh* my last day of being 19. well what was it like? wow...19 years of being a kid and then before you know it your 20. gosh how time flies. Hopefully i can look back and be happy with how i lived my life. Well sure there were plenty of mistakes but as long as i learn from them. well as of now school is really rolling and i really want to do well. i really have no time to think of my bday and honestly it's not a big deal anymore.. hmm i used to be excited...last year was fun.. and i thank the ones that made it so special. well thanks mommy and father for sending me something. :) but life is starting to be that monotone thing that happens when you start growing old. back in the day...everyday was a lil adventure and everyday seems so i never had a concept of time.well ill write more later
YEAH!! school has started for me and so far i really like my classes. i have had pretty much homework already, but i have been keeping up so it's all good. well i had a really good winter break..the best part was being there with my family. i think that we got closer over break. they even let me go out on new years eve. im gonna make them proud. hmm and i guess i am kinda thinking about going to church lately. well i just want to be able to focus. the other day i got to talk to my old buddy mark. we were talking about old times and i realized that we went thru so many of the same experiences. like no one ever could really understand but mark can cuz he went thru the same stuff. well anyways im really happy with my school and my school work. I have a lot of friends in my classes so its really good to have people to study with. oh and i started working and i got a raise out of the blue pretty cool. so i guess life is treating me pretty well i have no complaints and im pretty darn happy. yipeeeeee!! last night i went to land of mexico and i saw a lot of friends that i haven't seen for a long time and it was really good to see them. Like they gave me a lot of insight that i guess i never realized. well good to be back into school and in the jist of things. the only bad thing is that i have had this stupid headache since sunday and it still hasn't gone away. oh poop....
Man oh man, my vacation is almost over. Ahhh where does the time go. Well letsee, I had fun chillin with my old high school buddies on New Year's Eve. It's comfy being around them kinda cozy actually. Well besides that there was like a class A snow storm here.. and me and the cold just don't mix. But I'm gettin by just as long as I don't hafta go out and shovel that darn snow. Well sure sure snow can be fun too. I mean there is always skiing, snowmen, and most of all snow angels. Well before school starts I hope to be rested up and I hope to be ready for all of next semester's challenges. Well there's gonna be a lot of studying and working. Ahhh where will the fun fit in? Yeah yeah sure sure I'm sure that will find it's place. But other than that all is well in the Sheng
household. I've started reading my book, The Last Temptation of Christ, well I haven't gotten very far but so far it is pretty inspirational. Hmmm letsee...what else...yeah yea..i've noticed that a lot of you have been inquiring about my dating life...well let's just say people call it a personal "private" life for a reason. But other than that thanks for caring cuz I'm doing just fine.
Ok, first things first. repeat after me: Diana is a retard. well I missed a final exam because I thought that it was at another time, but luckily I was allowed to make it up. Yeah it was kinda hard tho but that's the price I must pay since I'm a RETARD! So anywhoot, Xmas is over and it was actually a lot of fun. I got to see a lot of old friends that I haven't seen for years. So I guess these past few days at home haven't been to bad at all. Im actually for once enjoying myself. Well look how time flies. Already we are approaching a new year. Every year I make some kind of resolution and I wonder if I ever succeed. The thing is I dont even remember them. SO this year Im gonna write it down right here. Well my goal is to be aggressive about what I want and NOT procrastinate. Also I need to study hard core. Well last semester I busted my butt and hopefully I will have the will to do so again. Well that's it for now and I hope that the new year is a happy one for everyone...cuz isn't that what we all truly want? peace.
AIEEESSHHHHH!!! This week is all about stress i must say. I guess it all winds down to this week. It sucks cuz there is just way too much to do and sooo little time to do it. Well i had two exams today, one of which was a suicide mission. Just great.. well i have two more to go. *sigh* someone just knock me out or something!
Letsee..must say that a lot has happened since i last wrote in this thing. How bout we start out with 11/21..the night of the Canopy club. So who was involved? Here yee here yee...all who matter are me and JKS. It was a night a f***** up drinking. All about fun and games. There was some definite heart to heart and maybe a dash of hanky panky.

well thanksgiving went by and there was some major Q-time with the fam. Man...hard to get used to that. well besides that some shiznitz been going on withe me and Im glad that Jon was there for me. Mad hugs to him. Other than that...i guess there is nothing else important that has been going on. so that's it....

There be some major fireworks baby!
Naw naw...plenty has happened. well Dec.1st @ 4:20am a lil heart to heart was going on. Some permanent smile action :) After that there was a voice...not a great voice, but a lotta singin goin on...cute...sweet..and ooooohhh soooo sesshieee. So lots of fun since then and even a heart transplant in the process. OUCH! but it invloved some major TLC...(and if you are getting lost reading this, then you weren't meant to read it. :OP~ other than that ...

Two hearts with a single thought,
Two hearts that beat as one.
10/20/98 it's been a while since i last wrote in this thing..well let's see...what has happened since. well the other day was sweetest day. well thanks to Jon: you are a big sweety. Those were the most beautiful flowers ever. *HUGS*
wooHOO!!! finished my MP today... did one of my lab reports, studied for math ..and stil going and going ... go !! energizer bunny!!! think i might need to recharge soon...with sleep? nope nope...coffeeeeee... sheesh.. just got back from math class and i realized how pitiful nerdy boys were. You'd think it'd be awesome being the only girl in your class...HACK!! stupid misconception! why are they so dweebish and immature...aren't these engineers nerds supposed to be like "scholarly" or something? feel like im in the movie "Gorillas in the Mist." so sad..well tonight is prolly yet another all nighter. i think i'm gonna pass out soon... but i don't care.
no pain no gain right? errr.. well there's this leadership convention coming up for women in engineering and sciences.. i really Really want to go , but they only pick 12 people and that includes all undergrads and grad students...*sigh* i WANT to go..!!! hmm i think my first pay check should be coming tempted to go a and buy rollerblades..which i've wanted for like EVER!!! hmm...must resist the temptation...hmm letsee..did GOD ever need rollerblades...He prolly didn't even have shoes..well i guess i don't need them then. Geesh! it's so hard to try to model yourself after someone who is near or IS perfect...well..*sigh*..guess i should just deposit it.. =( boohoo...oh well ...sad sad..
*sigh* another sleepless night. well I had a lot of studying to do and I just finished one of my lab reports. I tried to sleep but i had too much on my mind..well mostly homework and stuff. But lately i think of my parents a lot. I wonder if i could go on the rest of my life finding happiness from serving them and making them happy. I sometimes wonder if i wasn't raised to be so filial what would give me happiness. What would be my passion and who would i be. Well as of now i feel like i am studying so hard and my motivation is almost intirely sprung from the inspiration of my parents. Well always so many questions.. sometimes i wonder what is the point of the petty things in life..why work..why it too find personal it just because we are "supposed to"..or maybe it's to make your do you want to die and not have your name written down in history...i wouldn't want to be forgotten...i wouldn't want to just be another social sercurity number or just any other person... how do i make my mark.. well *sigh*
hmm... i wish i had my violin with me... kinda want to drown my sorrows and thoughts into it.. wouldn't mind going out and taking a walk and breathe the morning air just as the sun comes up... how many times have i REALLY seen the sunrise... hmm i wonder if anyone else is still up at this hour (6:30am) and if so ... are we all thinking the same thing?
well another thing... i learned this year that ppl can be very coniving...if only i could really see what they are thinking.. it bothers me that as we get older and supposed more many ppl seem to have alterer motives and they become so fake.. it's becoming a world of "play or be played" but why be part of a game that you feel like you just can't win... just wish ppl were true and mellow...why is that so should be the easiest thing to be yourself...well that's my wish...i wish ppl were more true...cuz i don't want to play in the game...i hate the rules "everyone for themselves"...but at the same time being a non-player, i've been hurt so many times... i think it's made me so pessimistic..i think thats one reason i love my parents so much especially this year..i feel th at they are the only ones that would not hurt me and only want to help me...well anyways.. i miss you Mommy and Father... sweet dreams...i'll make you you.
Dayammm!! my first bio exam is tonight and i have been pretty stressed about it..
well ive been pretty busy with work.. i really love my job( i tutor kids at an elementary school) i take it really seriously and i totally go out of my way to find games and learning tools to teach them how to read and write. well i love kids and eduacation is like the backbone to their lives especially reading and writing i guess im happy that im able to make an impact..
so anyways takin g on CS has been my lastest challenge..having gone from being pretty freaked out about comp programming i think it's getting a lil better...of course with special thanks to Aaron and Will..You guys have totally helped me..thanks so much..what would i do without you..
hmm...lets see ...oh..the new lil sis..they all seem really nice and i think it's a pretty good variety of girls.. i hope that everything workds o ut for them. well the other day my cousin came here from Standford to visit me and my other cousin. was pretty nice to see him... im so proud of him. ok well time to go study
Happy Happy Birthday to Karen and Jim! Paul came down from u wisconsin to like old times..
well i finally got to watch the long awaited saga of Sexual Chocolate.. oh my..if that tape ever got into the wrong ha nds..yikes!!@
well here i go again getting corrupted by Jim and Paul.. ok so i had the happies..well the MAJOR happies.. finally for the first time in my life i get to experience the Happies...well it was pretty fun except for hte part that i was kinda like catcalling the hotties.. but all in good fun of course..
School has been going very well for me...i have been really intuned with my studies these days... yippeee ...yesterday i hung out wiht my high school friends and Kate too... yeah there is like this very reassuring sense of support that they give me.. and this morning i went to church and it's been a while since my last communion.
well today during communion, streams of tears j ust came rolling down from my eyes... well i guess should study today...well actually back on the subject of church today..well i felt like i was not worthy of a Man so pure and so generous and so willing to forgive and accept.. i admire Him so much.
8/31/98 school has started and i aspire to be a super nerd....mark,jim,will, and i all have this bet going soo...i'm gonna win...well this sememster is all about STUDYING!!! yeah ...i like all my classes and i even like the fact that there are really challenging...
so hmmm... i guess i had some unfinished business going into the school year...actually istill am trying to get it done...lost of paper work and stuff. have to get my butt in yeah im happy...happy with everything as of now...happy that some complicated matters were settled and things are alot better...and i guess secretly .. i can give thanks to some one who went out of his way to try to make things just a lil better... im glad that i had the chance to clear up some misunderstandings...
other than that...homework homework...lil sis stuff is rolling quickly and there seem sto be a lot aof rushees...pretty good so i go study again!
Geez two weeeks at home ...ehh? well for all those that know me...sure know waht that means...but then again family is family. so yeah i went to Great America was fun but remember how you couldn't sleep the nite b4 cuz you're all excited about it.well that is no longer true for me. It's kinda like how one year it just hits you that Halloween isn't all that it is hyped up to be. Now i guess it's more about Valentine's Day then anything...but then again..isn't that just a Hallmark holiday? Well anyways..I've benn on this major shopping kick..which was spawned by the seed of shopping with Ropeeki and Bridget at Ann Taylor...and then me and Ro at Vicki's Secret...and now the wonders of Woodfield...shoudn't it be considered one of the 8 great wonders of the world... well at any rate...finally talked to my awesome big sis...Jackie..who well seems to be a lil side tracked these days and well i really miss chillin and do all the goofy things we used to do... And to my lil sis's this year we're all about more boy crazy,k TAZ? well me and Ro is another for Supe more m* o* with random guys! AND IF YOU ARE TOM! BACK OFF WE DON'T LIKE SLEEPING IN THE SAME BED AS YOU! So anyways...Mark, i knew it...didn't see u really enuff at all...not Will or Paul either...and Jim, well there's plenty of time for Jim. SO Mark, what will it be....ehhh? how bout a baseball bat to kick pyscho biatch ex from hell...( hope she doesn't read this..eeekkk!) well i havn't decided what i want either so it's ok we have a whole semester. As for kate railraod tracks don't look so bad least not when the one you love says that they are cute...ahhh speaking of love...the recent philosophy is:
"Love has no continuity, it cannot be carried over to tomorrow, it has
no future. What it has is memory, and memories are ashes of everything
dead and buried. Love has no tomorrow; it cannot be caught in time and
made respectable. It is there when time is not. It has no promise, no
hope; hope breeds despair." Krishnamurti's Notebook
Is that sad or what? i guess it can be a pessimistic view on love or maybe a push for gives no credit for past loves yet gives no opinion of present love nor future love. ahh the "L" word..just gives me chills down my spine. well to all those who are...cherish it and live it well...we all admire what u have.. (aside) fav cookie: animal c rackers...but eating them alone is no fun, so "Dumb, will u share animal crackers with me?" miss u....
OHHHH yess!!! done with summer school..well i had so much fun this summer so glad that i stayed on campus...i met so many new ppl...i would have missed thanks to ropeeki, sky, goerge, jeni, jackie, sexual chocolate for being there and to take care of you guys! Mark..miss you and looking forward to cashing in on the prize...thanks for worrying about me...but i'll be ok..Glad i had melissa and andy to go through physics hell with me. well this summer i think i found myself and know who i am. My goals are to study hard and to live life with no for an aside...a certain goon who happens to be a chicken when it comes to shots has caught my attention...just a lil...i smile when i check that you are there...i grin cause you had a dream about me...but i frown when i hafta let you go...hope i cheered you STUDY!! and make MY dream come true...miss you.
YIPEE!! To Mark,Jim,Will,and Paul: hey I had so much fun this weekend. You guys are always welcome to stay over here again. I'll kidnap you guys for another weekend,k? Will is the master pole dancer and jim? huh? Jim actually danced! Mark...well..Mark is Mark..wei wei..barfin it up. Jim is a looney on rasberry yummy drinks...yes, Jim i will hold your hand. Paul is a sleepy head and meee...i was sober. Well i had the one of the bestest weekends with my good friends from back home. I haven't seen three of them since winter break. I really missed them and now there gone again..boohoo...thanks for coming guys.
Happy 19th Bday, CHRIS!
Yeah well i few more hours till the dreaded test. Sorry Mike, i couldn't talk last night. Well that's all for now cuz i hafta get studying.
Yep Yep. i really hafta study . I have this huge test on Tuesday for physics. Im kinda stressed out about it. well I had lot's of fun Friday night, maybe enough to last me through the next week. okie..
YESS!! just finished my calc test and physics lab. Man, i am soo tired. I think i need to go to sleep earlier now. The past two nights i have been sleeping at 4 or like 6 am cause i am on the phone. But it's ok, it is worth it. Happy Birthday to Young Joo. Yeah she's 20 today. So i think i'm gonna go chill at the pool today; it is so freakin hot here. Well all for now.
HAPPY 21st BDAY GEORGE! Well we had a surprise birhtday party for George. Everyone was there. There was food and slcohol and George had lots of it. I think he over did it a bit when he took a huge shot of rum, cause he kin da puked it all up. Of course being the sweet girl that I am,hehe, I helped him and cleaned up the barf. So then we went to a few bars and danced all night. We all came over to my place and hung out and partied some more til 4am. I was so tired cause had an 8am class in the morning. But it was so awesome! Well the other day me and Judy went on out shopping spree to Vicki's and oh baby did we spend a shit load. well we are going over to friend's house for a dinner party later. Yeah. Well my cutie friend from back home is having lil personal problems and it's great talking to him for hours. So yeah it's decided that my boyz are coming over and staying a few days at my place. FUN FUN FUN!
Yet another day goes by. Math quiz went really well. and physics is soo fun, my prof. is so funny. Well i missed my 8am class cause this "special sweetie" neglected to look at the time when he called. but yes! was still happy to here from you, don't mean to make you feel guilty. And yes had really sweet dreams...maybe cause of you..dunno. so anyhow, me and jeni swam and i think maybe she got a bit tanner. so anyways can't wait to see Mulan, hmmm...wouldn't it be weird if *YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE* saw it at the same time as me and then we would be watching it together techniccally. yep me is sweeter than you.hehhe. well that's all for now..gotsta go study. yipee!
Hmm.. let's see my new discovery of the day is that Melissa is in my class too and so is Jimbo. Yipee for me cause i don't hafta buy a physics book, especially cause i have no money cause me and judy went on this awesome shopping nutso spree. yeah we hung out with Jeni and george last night. They are playing Scream 2 on the quad for free. fun fun. Joe emailed me about some party on the 3rd of July in NY. anyone going? well today is major chill day at the pool with me, judy, jeni, melissa, and maybe sus. Classes are fun and i really like my physics professeur. He is soooo funny. Never new that summer here could be so fun..whipeee yippeee skippeee. oh BTW WILL, WHAT DID YOU THINK OF THAT EMAIL. IMPRESSIVE, HUH? oh just this lil thing on my mind here, don't tell judy, but she told me this sad story that when her dad went on a business trip and her mom called him , she said," i love you!" to her hubby and he didn't say a peep. and even after she said it again he didn't say a peep. Man, so mean (i feel bad cause i have be en guilty of the same thing). Then her mom called and told Judy that she was really sad that he didn't say anything and that we should tell people that we love them before it is too late. well isn't that the truth. recently my friend's mom passed away and i guess it relly mellowed me in a way. so to all my fav peeps... I LOVES YOU!
Yawn, yawn. well i had physics at 8am today and i have two more clas ses. My physics TA is so funny. Yippee Andy is in my class and so are a few other people i know. There are so many people down here for summer session 2. Been spending a lot of time with Mark; he seems kinda stressed out :(. Yeah Jeni is back. She called yesterday and we are gonna hang out, except you never know cause she'll probably be with her beau most of the time.
Yikes! my parents came yesterday, luckily i didn't have a hang over. Julian, Amabelle, and Scott came over for a bit. and Judy have been having a dinner party frenzy lately. YEAH Bulls won! well must go to sleep cause I have class tomorrow. Oh hi TK, see u later.
This is my first entry. I had finals yesterday for summer school and they went pretty well. Last night was...well hectic: the first time that I ever drank and probably the last. I was to say the least a lil crazy and lil silly. Judy made me take 7 shots in less than 30 minutes and i definately should have eaten more. Today we went bar hopping and then to Dave and Jason's place. We played "i never" and i found out a little TOO much about everyone. I got a chance to hang out with an old friend Andy and we talked about old times. FUN FUN !

Take me home.
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