Super Puzzle Fighter
Where it all began...
Somewhere in the apartment complexes from last year, the idea of Super Puzzle Fighter came about. What was merely a fun lil game has evolved to what it is today.
What it should be...
Something for boredom and a lil entertainment.
What it has become..
After showing a friend...hmmm let's call him Jim, just for the hell of it, well after showing Jim SPF2...he became a lil...let's just think of white cushy walls and straight jackets, enuff said. He became a fanatic:didn't sleep, didn't eat,didn't study...his goal in life was to play the game and even more so was to beat his rival...lets call her Diana (who happens to kick his ass). It didn't have to be like that...he didn't have to go so far, but then again he found friendship and companionship in lil midgets like Ken. You know....people you can squash like an ant. Next to those people he felt manly. So i guess it's ok if that's what he needs.
So who were the rivals at first:

I'm the cute one on the left.
So what have I gotten out of this..
Well..UNLIKE...someone ELSE"S page...I'm NOT bitter and I'm gonna be nice....welll..I'll try. With SPF2 I can get an instant ego boost when I play Jim. But other than that...playing with him brings out the kid in me and makes me wanna be a TOYS 'R Us Kid.
So inconclusion...KEN,why be so bitter happy...bounce..
Take me home.
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